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Weird Dream... - iCrack - 05-08-2011

Hello Guys! I just had a dream weird as fudge...
I dreamed that I was flying trough an empty space full of closed doors. Like it was like I was flying in the sky (the "sky" (it was not the real sky I think) was orange like this), but it was full of doors... It was infinite... I tried to look down and I only saw darkness so I kept flying. I didn't seem to find nothing but doors... Ninja...
I don't why but I started to lose strength, I wanted to fly but I couldn't! So I started falling into the darkness. Pinch
Then everything gone black and I couldn't see crap! I closed my eyes and when I opened them back again I was in a supermarket and I was a 60 year-old man (WTF Wacko).
It was all very dark, just enough to see, but people didn't seem to care about it... I have myopia (I can't see well for the distance) but in the dream that seemed to reverse. I could see very well, and I wasn't wearing glasses! Thumbsup

After a bit walking in that supermarket I woke up... Really weird crap... I remember something about a car crash but I don't seem to connect it to this.
Does this have some explanation? Thumbsup