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Barrack Obama is a potty mouth - Printable Version

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Barrack Obama is a potty mouth - Sickshot - 11-06-2010


It's something I threw together while bored.

Maybe it'll make some people laugh.


RE: Barrack Obama is a potty mouth - C4Vendetta - 11-09-2010

The peep tone is annoying.

RE: Barrack Obama is a potty mouth - Hustler - 11-09-2010

Honestly, this didn't really make me laugh.

RE: Barrack Obama is a potty mouth - haphazard - 11-16-2010

what kind of person are you OP?

RE: Barrack Obama is a potty mouth - Pedo - 01-16-2011

This was alright, not the best but decently funny

RE: Barrack Obama is a potty mouth - Apex - 01-16-2011

I find this kind of annyoing. Did laugh a bit because i'm tired but didn't find it really entertaining.

RE: Barrack Obama is a potty mouth - Hollow™ - 01-16-2011

I found the beeping tone is louder than his voice which makes it annoying. I didn't find it any bit amusing at all though.

RE: Barrack Obama is a potty mouth - RRain - 01-16-2011

Um this was pretty funny nice editing

RE: Barrack Obama is a potty mouth - The Anarchist - 01-17-2011

"It wasn't about $%^&ing a president in the whitehouse", nice!

RE: Barrack Obama is a potty mouth - Xander - 01-17-2011

It's funny as hell, because this is what he was thinking I bet.

He sure did *BEEP* the country up.