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Discuss. - Sam - 08-01-2010

Sadly this happens all too often. What are your thoughts on Internet safety or the lack of it...


RE: Discuss. - Nemmyy - 08-01-2010

Sure he's a pedophile, but it's messed up. They trick him and then embarrass him and then put him on tv...I think it's kinda wrong but I guess there's no other way to catch them and I'm guessing he has to allow them to put that on tv.

RE: Discuss. - DAMINK™ - 08-01-2010

No excuses. A grown man wants to meet an under-age person for sex then there a rock spider. PERIOD.
The punishment should be SEVERE. However i do agree its somewhat entrapment what they are doing.
One could even argue that they add to the problem by putting pretend people out there masquerading as kids to catch these predators.
Dunno. All i know is i would never entertain the idea of hooking up with a young kid online. I would simply close the screen and move on should someone propose such a thing. I suspect all normal people would do this.

RE: Discuss. - Nemmyy - 08-01-2010

lol, also when he went outside he stopped and then they freakin tackled him

RE: Discuss. - DAMINK™ - 08-01-2010

Name and shame is a good method though.
I understand there logic there. Last think i would imagine anyone anywhere would want is to be on a show like that.
I have watched countless episodes of this.

RE: Discuss. - Nemmyy - 08-01-2010

Do you know if the pedophiles get to choose if their episode is broadcasted or not?

RE: Discuss. - DAMINK™ - 08-01-2010

I would have to say no given i have saw one with a teacher and another with a cop who had a boot full of weapons.
Na i dont think they have a choice at all.
Name and shame. Lovely in its simplicity however imagine the familys of these people.
I have seen dads. No crap. Fathers who go out and try pick up girls under-age online. Filthy rock spiders.
Thought i might add this. Its a small quote from my forum.

lastoutlaw Wrote:A gala event has occurred in Gaza.

Hamas sponsored a mass wedding for four hundred and fifty couples.
Most of the grooms were in their mid to late twenties; most of brides were under ten.

Muslim dignitaries including Mahmud Zahar, a leader of Hamas, were on hand to congratulate the couples who took part in the carefully staged celebration.

We are saying to the world and to America that you cannot deny us joy and happiness, Zahar told the grooms, all of whom were dressed in identical black suits and hailed from the nearby Jabalia refugee camp.

Each groom received a gift of 500 dollars from Hamas.

The pre-pubescent girls, dressed in white gowns and adorned with garish make-up, received bridal bouquets.

"We are presenting g this wedding as a gift to our people who stood firm in the face of the siege and the war" local Hamas strongman Ibrahim Salaf said in a speech.
Source =

Insane to read but i guess some religions dont see tampering with small kids as bad?

RE: Discuss. - Sam - 08-01-2010

I think that if the poser had said to the pedophile "Do you want to meet me" then it's probably a bit wrong to invite the pedophile over, however if the man suggested to the girl that he should come and meet her then he is definitely in the wrong.

I have a similar situation that occurred with my cousin, I will tell in due course.

RE: Discuss. - DAMINK™ - 08-01-2010

It is and always will be the responsibility of the ADULT to make the correct decision though.
Ultimately this is why they get busted and jailed. Because there is no excuse.

RE: Discuss. - Sam - 08-01-2010

Yes I agree. I would ask that people read this below story of mine carefully.

Basically my cousin was placed on the sex offenders register and now has internet and phone activity monitored by the police.

The story is as follows:

My cousin has extreme autism and mental health issues, he is 25 but has a mental age of a ten year old boy. Due to his autism socializing face to face is almost impossible for him, he spends most of his time either playing with his toys in his room or on his computer. What we realized is that he found it much easier to talk online with people via chat rooms because he didn't need to speak face to face, subsequently he made allot of online friends, many of them younger than him because he found it easier to relate to younger kids because of his mind set of being ten tears old.

Basically one day I found out that he had been arrested on acts of grooming and of being a sexual predator. What had happened was that he was speaking to a young girl and had arranged to meet hear at a park to play with her. He had said to the girl online that he couldn't wait to see her so he could hug her and they could play together. As he stepped of the bus at the park he was arrested.

What had happened was that the "young girl" was an undercover police woman on a sting operation, exactly like in the video.

So as a result he was taken to trial and was then placed on the sex offenders register for life, he has to have a councilor to try and make him realize adult dangers. His computer and phone calls are monitored by the police.

To me this is unjust, he knows no different and had no bad intentions.