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How many hours a day do you spend gaming ? - Printable Version

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RE: How many hours a day do you spend gaming ? - Wormag - 07-16-2010

Around nine-ish, thought now I think it's around half an hour-ish due to me getting bored.

RE: How many hours a day do you spend gaming ? - Extensity - 07-16-2010

Usually half an hour a day, I've cut down insane amounts compared to how much I was gaming this time last year.

RE: How many hours a day do you spend gaming ? - Grizzly - 07-17-2010

Typically 1-4 hours. I'll play anything from COD to Sim City 4 (or other sim city games). I also like to play the tycoon games, I have several of them, airport tycoon, railroad tycoon 3, zoo tycoon, prison tycoon, etc. I also play civilization 4, a random AC130 game I bought for like $15. And Fifa 09 (if I can find the disk again, need to reinstall it lol)

RE: How many hours a day do you spend gaming ? - xsciveral - 07-17-2010

4+-, if I'm out with my friends I never play unless I'm bored. (thanks 2 iPods ^^)
if I am home, I will sit more than 10+ hours

RE: How many hours a day do you spend gaming ? - N'aix - 07-18-2010

I play like 10-14 h a day.

RE: How many hours a day do you spend gaming ? - Blue_Social - 07-18-2010

1-4 hours a day max!

RE: How many hours a day do you spend gaming ? - Krazy Beast - 07-19-2010

I use to play like 10+ Hours a day, but lately i quit and just stopped Playing Altogether

RE: How many hours a day do you spend gaming ? - Donutâ„¢ - 07-19-2010

I spend about 10-20. Haha, I have no life.

RE: How many hours a day do you spend gaming ? - Elektrisk - 07-21-2010

Here's an update from June 2nd, when I last posted in this thread =p I hardly play games at all nowadays. Probably less than an hour a week.

RE: How many hours a day do you spend gaming ? - Logan - 07-22-2010

I don't spend all that much anymore. Got very boring;