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When was the last time you're parents beat you? - Printable Version

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RE: When was the last time you're parents beat you? - Extensity - 08-20-2010

My parents have never beaten me in my life. Personally I think getting beat is setting a poor example.

RE: When was the last time you're parents beat you? - Sharkey - 08-20-2010

I like when my mom "attempts" to hit me. Shes like 1/4 my size.

RE: When was the last time you're parents beat you? - AnonymouS12 - 09-26-2010

2 Months ago my dad was kicking me for insulting his friends. His kicking didn't change anything thought.

RE: When was the last time you're parents beat you? - Hawkins - 09-26-2010

Been awhile since I haven't been beaten up, and mostly from my mother.
My mother used to hit me when I did something really bad, but not my father. Once he tried, and it was my fault, and even though I was young [ Like 12 or something ] I got a big wood and wanted to hit him in the head, and asked him not to ever try it again.
I would never let my mother hit me either, but she is a woman, so not much I can do about it, but good thing that she doesn't do it anymore, because of my anger problems and all, I might do something stupid.

RE: When was the last time you're parents beat you? - ReasonableLogic - 09-26-2010

My parents called it discipline and I haven't been disciplined since I was 12, after that we just talked it out. I don't think its wrong for young kids to get disciplined by they're parents cause they are not of age to fully understand what they did, but after a certain age it gets pointless if you can't sit down and reason with your child.

Last time I got beat was last year by my father. I sort of asked for it. Long story short before we fought he said "oh so you think you're more a man than me huh, think you got it all figured it out don't you?" Then we fought, best lesson I've ever learned in my life. We both respect each other more, and our relationship is stronger.

RE: When was the last time you're parents beat you? - Deadmau5 - 09-26-2010

Like 5-7 weeks ago :p

I kept on refusing to study and kept yelling. Not beating though, my dad slapped me. Sad

I think hitting children is sometimes allowed, not everyday though. If you're gonna spoil them, they're the ones that are going to hit you.

RE: When was the last time you're parents beat you? - NEC - 09-26-2010

My parents never beat me.

My mom just gave me a slap every once in a while when I did something wrong or yell back at her (not too often). The last time I guess I was around 8 or 9 years old.

RE: When was the last time you're parents beat you? - Amazing - 09-26-2010

My parents have never beaten me... I used to get spanked as punishment, but that was a long time ago.

Filipino traditional punishments to... Kneeling on rice while holding stacks of books in your hands out to the side.

That may seem funny, but it's hell, haha. I'll admit though, it is funny. Smile

RE: When was the last time you're parents beat you? - Dean - 09-26-2010

When I was like 5, maybe not even then.

RE: When was the last time you're parents beat you? - AceInfinity - 09-26-2010

hmm, the last time my parent beat me.. was in a game of cards Smile lol