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RE: P90X Workout? - sLeepyK0z - 08-22-2010

(08-12-2010, 08:47 PM).Fr0z3n Wrote: P90X is way to extreme if you're new to this.

Yeah I agree if you don't work out at all or even that often then I don't recommend this, try and work your way up to the p90x. p90x isn't just something you pick up an do and all of the sudden your big. Just gotta work your way up and eat right. You'll get their sooner or later.

RE: P90X Workout? - OL_Drippy - 08-22-2010

I'm currently doing p90x And loving it. I'm about 2 months in, Seeing really good results. I don't follow there exact guidelines tho. I'm not a fan of some of the workouts(yoga) so i will usually fill in those days with a different workout from p90. Or sometimes even take an extra day of rest. I'm following the nutrition guide pretty closely, but i still allow myself to cheat several times a week(couple soda's, ice cream, something like that). Main key is watching your calorie intake while getting plenty of protein. Only supplements i take are are whey protein shakes. I've lost over 10lbs, and have increased weights SO much more than when i started(keeping the reps low for str training)

Before i started p90 i purchased a full golds gym set, everything i could ever need. And i had my own workout routine and nutrition guide going. It was working OK, but there was days when my workouts would be slack or my eating wouldn't be right.. I think p90 gives you that guideline that really helps...the structure, something to go by. And then having somebody to workout with(even tho its some guy on a video) helps also. And when i start to get tired and want to quit(most workouts is about an hour)...I just think, "man this guy who is twice my age is doing it...these old guys don't have crap on me" And i finish my workout=) As for doing the workouts wrong..most workouts are pretty basic, they do show you how to do them and who the hell can afford a personal trainer anyways?

Also...when i go running, in 4 miles i burn about 3-400 calories. Almost all of these p90 workouts burn between 4-800 calories(of course it depends on the person).

AND, While for some people "getting ready" for p90x might be a good idea.. i suggest just doing what you can, quit halfway for the first couple weeks...Hell, when i started i would do the whole workout, however i wouldn't do no more workouts for about 2 more days because i would be sore as crap..within just a couple workouts i was in decent enough shape for it to not kill me for the next couple days...Just go at your own pace, But don't forget to "up" your expectations of yourself as you go on. Don't want to get used to not following the workout to the point you could care less. Also if you put it off because your not in good enough shape, then when will you do it? Are you actually going to start working out for a while then go buy p90? If so great, but most people just put it off and are never really happy with themselves(theres obviously some reason you want to workout)

To sum it all up... If you don't currently workout...start. It makes you feel great, it gives you tons of energy and just more general motivation in life. If you have the willpower to workout and control what you eat, you have the willpower to do ANYTHING.

RE: P90X Workout? - Heli0s - 08-23-2010

Much like all other workout videos and regiments, it works absolutely great ONLY if you stick to it and work around a well-balanced and highly nutritional diet.

RE: P90X Workout? - Intro - 08-23-2010

Isn't it a bit "jumpy gunnish", Like if your brand new to this sort of thng, isn't it a bit soon for P90X?

RE: P90X Workout? - Cat - 08-25-2010

Yeah i tried it and it was pretty intense.

RE: P90X Workout? - KronHelp - 08-29-2010

I have a friend at school that just started it like a week ago, he said its pretty tough.

RE: P90X Workout? - Music - 08-30-2010

Intense workout for beginners, but it will benifit you if you stick to it.

RE: P90X Workout? - Devil TraZ - 08-30-2010

My sister used it to work off her baby weight, and she loves it.

RE: P90X Workout? - Zurmi - 09-01-2010

I want to try it.

But just know the results on TV and stuff also come from them using the diet plan, which I wouldn't use.

RE: P90X Workout? - Qwazz - 09-02-2010

Im pretty sure its a legit workout, but any personal trainer would defiantly give you a better routine