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I'm trying to use an array to pick out the "blacklisted" words from being used.

I'm currently trying to use this...

PHP Code:
$not_allowed = array("root","www","www2","ww3","admin","staff","dev","mail","web","cpanel","webmail","whm","host","ww2","members","member"); 

And to execute this, I'm using...

PHP Code:
$_SESSION['error'] = $not_allowed_error;

What I want, is if anyone types any of those words in the specified text field, it will give them an error, but it's not picking them out for some reason.

You need the $needle part of the in_array() function.

bool in_array ( mixed $needle , array $haystack [, bool $strict ] )

So you'll do something like this.

PHP Code:
$input $_POST['input'];
$_SESSION['error'] = $not_allowed_error;

Wow!! Thank you so much! It works perfect. Smile
