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Hi Friends,

Today i am going to discuss about the very powerful tool by windows known as WMIC,

Task Manager - Not working
Windows Defender - Not working
IE - unable to start
System got hacked.

Now what can i do?

Proceed for WMIC tool (Windows Management Instrumentation Console (Command line tool))

Benefits - In built tool by Microsoft.

So how to work with it?

wmic process [pid] delete - equivalent to kill -9 pid as in ubuntu - To kill the process
wmic process where name='cmd.exe' delete
wmic process list brief /every:1 - Similar to top command as in linux
wmic useraccount - To know about the account details
wmic startup list full - Startup Programs

A good example by Alan Ridgeway - C:\> wmic /output:[file] [stuff you want it to do] /format:[format]
Ex - wmic /output:os.html os get /format:hform

Will post all your data, in a html format, you can output your data in CSV,PDF etc version.

To find alias info

wmic [alias] list full

Now start scripting with it and share some good result.

And in the last to explore more, you can look for help option

wmic /?

Good day..!

Skype : Sarvsav Sharma
GMail : sarvsav [at] gmail [dot] com
Thanks for the information. A wonderful step by Microsoft, finally.
Thanks for sharing the info, Nice to see Microsoft is making changes.
Thank you so much for sharing this post, I appreciate your work.