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Earlier today, my older sister caught me smoking pot in restroom because of the smell (I was blowing it into a towel but I ran out of some deodorizing powder crap so I didnt wrap that up in a towel this time). She gave me a chance, I promised I wouldn't do it anymore

Now, she just got me again, barely any odor in the bathroom
She flipped the fudge out
She cried, saying our family is falling apart because of me, yada yada yada, mom barely sleeps, yada yada yada, we barely have money and you can afford that crap, yada yada yada. She gave me all of my crap and said, "I don't give a fudge about what you do with this, but just know I'm telling your mom as soon as I wake up."

What can I tell her so she won't say anything.? I'm kinda terrified right now. If my mom finds out, I'm dead. My life will be a living hell until I leave, literally. Its really freakin bad.

And PLEASE, no drugs are bad, etc. etc.
Just help me out here
I'm about ready to start begging for help.
First off, you need to start rolling and leaving the house when you do it. Regardless of what you do to minimize the smell, there is still going to be some odor.

As for your sister, I don't know how to help you with that. My route would be to simply tell her you thought you could get away with it and didn't take her first warning seriously enough. Now that she caught you again and you realize how fudged you're going to be because of it the lesson is sinking in. See if she'll give you one more chance as lame as it sounds. Tell her something about how if your family is already having issues this is only going to make things harder on your parents and in turn harder on her.

Then of course, you have to stop or be smart about it and go for a walk or sneak outside with one rolled. Spray axe deodorant on yourself after smoking outside. Just realize, if you do get another chance and you do get caught again, you're going to be feeling WORSE than you are now. Learn from this. If you can't guarantee there's no way you'll get caught, you'll have to quit.
I'm sorry, but my only advice is to either quit or keep dealing with these problems. It's your choice to do what your family disagrees with and I don't support lying. Just think that if you had quit when you promised your sister you would, you wouldn't be having this problem. I'm neutral on marijuana usage, but it's not worth causing family hardships over so I apologize for my hardlined stance.
Hey Neto , Ive done weed a few times when i was very down , i told my mum and not going to lie she got upset and didnt talk to me for a while , I still cant tell my mum that my sister smokes, because she is very protective of us. Anyway I told her i would quit and did , because some of my friends had really lost the plot with everything and cant handle any responsibility. I didnt want to end up like that at all and who would. But i do have a few friends that do it occasionally , two of them are studying medicine and have a part time job. IF you really cant quit, maybe if your family can see that your hard working, caring, very mature and responsible , maybe they wouldnt mind , but if not try to quit or at the very least do it somewhere else and keep it to a minimal
Take responsibility for your actions.
You were asked by your sister to stop which is more than most would get.
You failed to take the opportunity and for this you wind up in trouble.
No sympathy to be honest.