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Full Version: Brand New To SF is it like HF?
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I recently posted something to SF about HF and the guy goes you can get banned for that so I stopped doing that. I hope that I like SF a lot.Superman
It's not for the discussion of HF that will get you banned, it's the LQP. Typing one letter per line and blatently disregarding the rules that will get you banned.

Anyway, welcome to SupportForums, I hope you enjoy your stay here.
I highly recommend reading this:
It's not like HF, the rules are the exact opposite to answer that question.
(02-01-2012, 07:09 PM)idk Wrote: [ -> ]I recently posted something to SF about HF and the guy goes you can get banned for that so I stopped doing that. I hope that I like SF a lot.Superman
The words you mentioned is a big Nono however i can understand why they get angry about this as they are 2 totally different forums. However supportforums is a very nice place alot more HQ posts and alot better users. I personally came from the place you mentioned and my advice would be seperate the two forums into seperate categorys post HQ not mentioning them words and you should get along just fine Thumbsup