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Here's some pics of the spiders i own, they aren't my pics but they look exactly the same Big Grin

1x Theraphosa blondi - Goliath birdeater (approx 9 inch legspan)

6x Poecilotheria regalis - Indian ornamental (5x1inch 1x6inch LS)

1x Pelinobius muticus - African King Baboon (8 inch LS)

1x Pterinochilus murinus - OBT (4 inch LS)

2x Lasiodora parahybana - Salmon Pink Birdeater (1 inch)

1x Gramastola pulchripes - Chaco Gold Knee (2 inch)

I looked at the first two pictures, and then just couldn't take it any more xD
Spiders creep me out :S
Oh my Christ. I should delete this thread. Ugh my skin is crawling. Do you touch them with your hands?
Those are big bro. Spiders are creepy.
wow there some big ass spiders man.
Oh, My, GOD.

I hate spiders Sad
Nice spiders. I myself prefer cute dogs, but to each their own?

these are really cool i kinda want a pet spider now
Wow, I prefer a snake !
Damn, this scared me lol, nice spiders.
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