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I'll vote for dogs, Of COURSE!
Dogs are more baws. But they are dumber then cats.
(05-07-2011, 04:31 PM)Voice™ Wrote: [ -> ]Dogs are more baws. But they are dumber then cats.

No they're not :S do some research, that's just an opinion of yours. It also depends on the breed of dog.
I have to go with dogs. They can protect you if your ever threatened, if you train them right; and you can take them hunting, and do other wonderful things with them.
Dogs all the way. They are very protecting, and they are fun to be around!
I would prefer dogs.
Of course I really like kitties too. They are cute also.
I would like to say dogs! I just LOVE them <3
I'm an animal person, so I love both. But cats bore me. I also think cats are more of pets and dogs are more of companions. I take my Husky for walks everyday, play with him, and he sleeps with me. It's like living with another person. Personally, I also think dogs are a lot cuter.
I love dogs more than cats. Cats annoy the crap outta me
I prefer dogs because my cat just sleeps all day and never does anything.
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