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  a small and simple IRC bot for learning purposes
  by skorikov 2007

  -- I was originally planning on putting detailed comments
     but i got a bit lazy half way through, sorry :x

#define WIN32
/*#define LINUX*/

#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#define BUILD_TYPE "WIN32"


#ifdef LINUX
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#define IRC_BUFFER_SIZE 512
#define MAX_ARGS        256

#ifdef WIN32
#define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
#define snprintf  _snprintf

const char *IRC_SERVER   = "";
const short IRC_PORT     = 6667;
const char *IRC_CHAN     = "#testchan";
const char *IRC_CHANKEY  = "key";
const char *IRC_NICK     = "SmallBot";
const char *IRC_REALNAME = "Small IRC Bot";
const char IRC_CMD_TRIGGER = '.';

void cmd_quit(int sock, char *from_p, char **arg_p, int arg_count),
     cmd_test(int sock, char *from_p, char **arg_p, int arg_count),
     cmd_help(int sock, char *from_p, char **arg_p, int arg_count);

int irc_connect(int sock, const char *remote_host_p, unsigned short remote_port),
    irc_send_line(int sock, const char *format_p, ...),
    irc_recv_line(int sock, char *line_p, unsigned int line_size);

/* this is pretty much just a table of
   command names and pointers to their according functions */
struct irc_command
   const char *command_name_p,
   void (*exec_command)(int sock, char *from_p, char **arg_p, int arg_count);

   {"quit", "Make the bot quit",               &cmd_quit},
   {"test", "A test command",                  &cmd_test},
   {"help", "Print this menu",                 &cmd_help}

int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef WIN32
   WSADATA wsa_data; /* a structure to store output from the WSAStartup call,
                        we dont do anything with this so just ignore it */
   int     sock,     /* our socket handle */
           connect_attempts = 0,
   char    buffer[512]      = {0}, /* buffer to recv lines from IRC */
           from[56]         = {0},
           nick[56]         = {0},

#ifdef WIN32
   /* WSAStartup() initializes the WinSock DLL, version 2.2,
      MAKEWORD(2, 2) just takes 2 bytes each with a value of 2 (00000010)
      and puts them together like so (0000001000000010),
      ^^ this isn't really important so you can ignore this */
   if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsa_data))
      printf("- fatal error: failed to initialize winsock\r\n");
      return (0);                        

   /* create a socket using the INET protocol family (IPv4),
      and make it a streaming TCP socket */
   if ((sock = socket(PF_INET,
                      IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1)
      printf("- fatal error: socket() failed.\r\n");
      return (0);                

   printf("- Created socket\r\n");

   if (!irc_connect(sock, IRC_SERVER, IRC_PORT))
      printf("- Failed to connect to %s:%i\r\n", IRC_SERVER, IRC_PORT);
      return (0);              

   printf("- Connected to %s:%i\r\n", IRC_SERVER, IRC_PORT);

   snprintf(nick, sizeof(nick), "%s", IRC_NICK);

   irc_send_line(sock, "USER %s localhost :%s", IRC_NICK, IRC_REALNAME);
   irc_send_line(sock, "NICK %s", nick);

   while (1)
      memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));

      if (irc_recv_line(sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == 0)

      token_p = strtok(buffer, " ");
      argument_count = 0;

      while (token_p != NULL)
         argument[argument_count] = token_p;
         token_p = strtok(NULL, " ");

      if (argument_count > 2)
         if (strcmp(argument[1], "001") == 0)
            irc_send_line(sock, "JOIN %s :%s", IRC_CHAN, IRC_CHANKEY);

         else if (strcmp(argument[1], "433") == 0)
            strncat(nick, "_", 1);
            irc_send_line(sock, "NICK %s", nick);

      if (argument_count == 2)
         if (strcmp(argument[0], "PING") == 0)
            irc_send_line(sock, "PONG %s", argument[1]);

      if (argument_count >= 4)
         if (strcmp(argument[1], "PRIVMSG") == 0)
            snprintf(from, sizeof(from), "%s", argument[2]);

            /* this just shifts the argument variable the
               numbers of bytes there are before the PRIVMSG text
               so ":user@host PRIVMSG #channel :message here"
               becomes just "message here" */

            if (argument[3][1] == IRC_CMD_TRIGGER)
               *argument += (strlen(argument[0]) + 1) +
                            (strlen(argument[1]) + 1) +
                            (strlen(argument[2]) + 3);

               for (i = 0; i < sizeof(COMMAND) / sizeof(struct irc_command); ++i)
                  if (strcmp(argument[0], COMMAND[i].command_name_p) == 0)
                     COMMAND[i].exec_command(sock, from, argument, argument_count - 3);


   printf("- Disconnected\r\n");

#ifdef WIN32
   /* clean up after ourselves */
   return (0);

int irc_connect(int sock, const char *remote_host_p, unsigned short remote_port)
   struct sockaddr_in sin;        /* a structure which tells our socket where it's connecting to */
   struct hostent     *hostent_p; /* a structure which will store results from the DNS query we do
                                     for remote_host_p */

   /* perform a DNS query to find the IP address of remote_host_p */
   if (!(hostent_p = gethostbyname(remote_host_p)))
      return (0);          

   memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
   sin.sin_family = PF_INET; /* IPv4 */
   sin.sin_addr.s_addr = *(long *) hostent_p->h_addr; /* take the IP address returned */
   sin.sin_port = htons(remote_port); /* convert remote_port to a network order byte */

   printf("- Resolved %s to %s\r\n", remote_host_p, inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr));

   /* tell the socket to connect */
   if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof(sin)) == -1)
      return (0);

   return (1);

int irc_send_line(int sock, const char *format_p, ...)
   va_list args;
   char    buffer[512] = {0};

   va_start(args, format_p);
   vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format_p, args);

   strncat(buffer, "\r\n", (sizeof(buffer) - strlen(buffer)));

   printf(">> %s", buffer);

   return (send(sock, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0));

int irc_recv_line(int sock, char *line_p, unsigned int line_size)
   char byte = 0;
   /* recv one byte at a time from the socket
      untill you reach a newline (\n) character */

   while (byte != '\n' && strlen(line_p) < line_size)
      if (!recv(sock, (char *) &byte, 1, 0))
         return (0);

      if (byte != '\r' && byte != '\n' && byte != '\0')
         strncat(line_p, (char *) &byte, 1);

   printf("<< %s\r\n", line_p);
   return (1);

void cmd_quit(int sock, char *from_p, char **arg_p, int arg_count)
   irc_send_line(sock, "QUIT");    

void cmd_test(int sock, char *from_p, char **arg_p, int arg_count)
   irc_send_line(sock, "PRIVMSG %s :This is a test. Did it work?", from_p);

void cmd_help(int sock, char *from_p, char **arg_p, int arg_count)
   unsigned int i;

   irc_send_line(sock, "PRIVMSG %s :(Help): Build type: %s (%s, %s)", from_p, BUILD_TYPE, __DATE__, __TIME__);
   irc_send_line(sock, "PRIVMSG %s :(Help): COMMAND   DESCRIPTION", from_p);

   for (i = 0; i < sizeof(COMMAND) / sizeof(struct irc_command); ++i)
      irc_send_line(sock, "PRIVMSG %s :(Help): %s  %s", from_p, COMMAND[i].command_name_p,

Not Malware
Hacking and malware discussion and sharing isn't allowed here mate
(08-05-2010, 10:42 AM)Tate Wrote: [ -> ]Hacking and malware discussion and sharing isn't allowed here mate

its not malware.

its an irc service bot.
I am not familiar with programming. Can you get vouches for it before posting? Thanks.
(08-05-2010, 10:52 AM)Eve Wrote: [ -> ]I am not familiar with programming. Can you get vouches for it before posting? Thanks.

Look at the code.

there is no startup, ddos, spread.

its just connection.

(08-05-2010, 10:47 AM)BlaiR Wrote: [ -> ]its not malware.

its an irc service bot.

I took the title wrong. I didn't really look at the code, and I assumed it was a IRC DDoSer. NVM
That's amazing.

Thank you alot BlaiR Big Grin
Care to share what exacully it does?
(08-20-2010, 06:26 PM)mmki Wrote: [ -> ]Care to share what exacully it does?

You could get that by just looking at the codes. It might be in C++, but the words, like quit, kick, and ban are all in English.

OT: Very nice bot mate!
I like how clean you have the command arrays. Good work.
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