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Can you meet someone at a crisis shelter?
You know that phrase everything happens for a reason? Long story short, I did something very stupid to myself that even surprised me, and ended up at a crisis shelter. Well while there I met a guy that was just an instant click. Me,him and one other girl kinda develoved our own support group and the 4 days we were together built quite a bond. Well anyways this guy was an amazing sweetheart. A truly nice guy that's been as beat down as I have. There was just something that made envy and hate his abusive gf that he was planning to go back to and give a last chance, the look no more drinking I'm done I want to live kind of last chance. I was supportive etc. We all exchanged numbers and agreed to be our own crisis support. I almost cried saying my goodbyes and such. Any how, she called me to say goodnight and said she had a message for from him ( was supposed to leave tomorrow) before he left. To tell me thank you and he's made the decision to not go back to her. And that he really wants to get to know me and would definitely be in touch. And she said that after I left he wouldn't shut up about me Smile. I myself left an abuser. And got hurt and let down by a user. So of course I'm telling myself don't be stupid!!  Is it possible we were meant to meet though? Is it possible to meet the one in A crisis shelter for crying out loud?  Thanks for taking time to read this. Just curious

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